Monthly Archive May 2022


Bishops Annual Appeal Message

Bishop Elect Earl K. Fernandes- BAA Message


BAA 2022 Prayer

Loving Father,We turn to You in this season of transition in the Diocese of Columbus. With hearts filled with gratitude, we rejoice in Your blessings and guidance over the years. With hearts filled with hope, we joyfully anticipate Your marvels for our future. Through the Great Commission, Jesus Christ, Your Son, has called us to cooperate in His plan of salvation through the work of evangelization, disciple formation, charity, and mercy through diverse charisms and vocations. Responding in generosity, may we all unite together as a local church in financial support of our common mission through this year’s Bishop’s Annual Appeal. We ask this in the Name of Christ Our Lord.  Amen

Please fill out your envelope and drop in Offertory basket in the lobby. BAA helps:

·    Form priests and deacons for the future of our Church·    Comfort the sick in hospital through trained chaplains·    Prepare couples for the vocation of marriage and family life·    Support parishes facing building emergencies·    Embrace the diversity of our faith in ministering to multiethnic parish communities·    Provide tuition assistance to families seeking Catholic education·    Evangelize and strengthen the faith of our young people and each other


4th Sunday of Easter/ Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day



Mother’s Day has been celebrated as a national holiday in the United States on the second Sunday of May since 1914. But Catholics have been celebrating a sort of mother’s day since the first few centuries of the Church. The fourth Sunday of Lent, or Laetare Sunday, traditionally was a time to return to your mother church (home parish) and leave an offering.

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May Crowning
May 8th
After the 10:00 Mass


Promise and the Power
Sundays of May 11:15

Check out the website
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